Forums - The ALL STAR TEAM: by golden nismor,so whatca think? Show all 111 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- The ALL STAR TEAM: by golden nismor,so whatca think? ( Posted by golden nismor on 01:12:2001 09:13 AM: aka: ken(aaa), doom(aaa), sentinel(gamma) thats the all mighty team i use when i play against all teams especially ones with cable in them. This team is designed to rip apart cable teams. All of these characters work together in excellent pairs even if any of the other one dies. Traps still go on man! I got a rusher(ken), keep away(doom), a brute power(sentinel). when i play against cable teams i usually put ken first cause i find a good rusher can kill cable quite fast if ken can get in and do the job, then the rest of the team is like a normal match! I know plenty of you ask how the hell can ken even possibly get close enough to cable? answer is simple, lots of super jumping, baiting assists, rolling to cables other side, and of course plain old hyper knee (with ken) grabbing. I live in hawaii and love the kick ass at pearl, I AM KNOWN AMONGST mvc2 players at pearl! anyone know me? -golden nismor Posted by PsiANyd on 01:12:2001 09:25 AM: No. You should go to B5. Piccolo, What in the hell you doin? Posted by golden nismor on 01:12:2001 09:32 AM: hey bro, thats what i'm plannin on seriously, i enter in tourneys here and can hold my ground. i luv hearing about some other good players in hawaii cuz then i WANT TO CHALLENGE them to see what their really about. 'keep practicing ' -Golden Nismor Posted by AmakusaShiroTokisada on 01:12:2001 09:33 AM: Your team is OK! Posted by golden nismor on 01:12:2001 09:36 AM: thanks AST(short) ! what teams do you use against cable teams? -GN Posted by BlueNu on 01:12:2001 09:37 AM: Awesome team! Go for B5! Posted by Brandon Lee on 01:12:2001 09:39 AM: Good luck in those future tournies. Posted by AmakusaShiroTokisada on 01:12:2001 09:51 AM: Spiral, Silver Samurai, Magneto. Posted by golden nismor on 01:12:2001 09:55 AM: well i'm sure most of you already know about traps in mvc2, here are some of the ones i use with my team: TRAP 1: Ken(as point) & Doom(aaa) this trap is quite simple and goes like this, with ken you get real close to your opponent,call out doom's aaa and do a regular straight up jumping hurricane kick(HK). you'll soon notice your opponent get pushed back and you just follow and repeat until you end up in the corner. This trap does massive damage from chipping and even worse the regular hits and this trap does juggle characters including assists. Now you might ask what about opponents aaa's well depending on exactly what they are will determine how you execute this trap, if the aaa is good like clops just call out doom not so close to your opponent and block with your point man and you'll see clops get hit by dooms rocks and then you can proceed into the rest of the trap and you may juggle the assist to death if done correctly. " pretty crazy trap !" Trap 2: Sentinel(point man) & Ken(aaa): it goes like this go into flight mode with sentinel (his flight lasts hella long )fly right over if not a little in front of your oppents head (try to fly high) and just call out kens aaa and with sentinel HK. this is an excellent trap especially once in the corner. This trap chips with both characters and since kens aaa is pure invincibility on the way up he'll knock out all other assist or they'll both nuetralize and recieve no damage(like cammy's aaa). with this trap your opponent will have a very difficult time trying to jump up and even walk forward and push blocking away cuz you can only push block one characer. Just watch out for your opponents aaa's, since sentinel has the fastest flight mode, once you see the icon assist from your opponent just fly back'n forth with sentinel and he'll doge'm. "note all traps can be broken but some are harder than others. I suggest only to do these traps only if you have to or else your friends will be hella pist and some may want a peice of you )" HAVE FUN! -golden nismor ,i've got more traps for later Posted by darkumas on 01:12:2001 10:10 AM: well done nismor. im entering the B5 this summer in cali hope to see u there. i got mah sponser and all alrdy =). i changed mah team a bit to Magneto (projectile) doom (anti air) and sentinel(ground ) pretty good so far. i got some pretty crazy shit hehe ill show ya this weekend. Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" Posted by Strider Hiryu on 01:12:2001 10:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: aka: ken(aaa), doom(aaa), sentinel(gamma) thats the all mighty team i use when i play against all teams especially ones with cable in them. This team is designed to rip apart cable teams. All of these characters work together in excellent pairs even if any of the other one dies. Traps still go on man! I got a rusher(ken), keep away(doom), a brute power(sentinel). when i play against cable teams i usually put ken first cause i find a good rusher can kill cable quite fast if ken can get in and do the job, then the rest of the team is like a normal match! I know plenty of you ask how the hell can ken even possibly get close enough to cable? answer is simple, lots of super jumping, baiting assists, rolling to cables other side, and of course plain old hyper knee (with ken) grabbing. I live in hawaii and love the kick ass at pearl, I AM KNOWN AMONGST mvc2 players at pearl! anyone know me? -golden nismor Ahhh.. The famous Nismor of GameFAQS infamy... Sorry dude... I still think youre an idiot.. ALthough i do applaud you for coming here and not talkin trash like you do over there.. Bring your team to B5... Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by on 01:12:2001 10:55 AM: Very good team, I can see it rip apart trap and Cable teams easily, tourney material as well. OW, my hand!! Posted by Iceman on 01:12:2001 11:44 AM: Oh no. First Golden War Machine, now Golden Nismor, AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Posted by golden nismor on 01:12:2001 01:07 PM: hey friend, DARKUMAS! WHATS up? hope i see you this weekend at pearl, ready to whip some butt? hope so, its always fun hey i looked at your team man, its a good team the only weakness i see in that team is that you really don't have a good anti-air man. without a good AAA bro, i'm tellin ya that your gonna get caught in some awful traps where a good aaa could just bust'em up. other than that its really an excellent team though. hope you can tempest x 2-3 by now , also hope you got down sentinels infinite super. and about B5 i will graduate from college this summer so i hope i can make it there, money ain't no problem, just time man! oh yeah i'll post up a few more traps with my team to help you out some darkumas, these are of more elementary though but effective. I know you use this all star team too and still learning -golden nismor Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:12:2001 01:21 PM: hey wassup... hey darkumas and golden nismor...i play are pearls too and i think i know who nismor is with that bad ass ken/sentinal team, i have an idea who darkumas is but i could be wrong but anyways yall should know me and my cable/doom/storm team...(no im not rob) still practicing with doom since i just have him mainly for the assist but im getting used to anyways who are u mofoz? hehe...finally got some hawaii peeps up in here... Posted by golden nismor on 01:12:2001 01:28 PM: well i'm back and here's some more basic traps: TRAP3:doom(as point)& sentinel(gamma)-all you really got to do is do doom's jumping fierce(up/down up/down & can jump back'n forth to make it harder to escape) and call out sentinels rockets. If you time this right it is really hard to super jump out of and by the time your opponent does manage to jump away he probably already ate of few of doom's fierces and rockets. If your opponent does manage to jump out of this and towards you, let them get a little close and then BANG call out kens aaa to knock them the hell back, but if your opponent knows ken is gonna come out, he'll block, at that time just walk up and GRAB!!! This trap is excellent for building up a super meter. The only other point i can make here is that just watch out against cable as a point character, you can still do this but you gotta play mind games with cable to throw him off. AHVB don't taste good TRAP 4:Sentinel(point) & Doom(aaa): this trap here you can do similar to the sentinel and ken trap or you can do it this way. Note both ways chip excellent (even against iceman!) The other way goes like this sentinel on the far end of the screen hit HP(pink beam can be high or low) then call out doom's aaa, quickly then call out sentinel's rockets and control their flight up or down to pin your opponent on the other side of the screen. Just repeat. And at any time you can HSF with sentinel and call doom out inbetween which also does excellent chip damage especially when finishing off a little life. Just to let you know if sentinel has all of his supers (x5) you can HSF, HP with senitinel, call out doom's aaa, rocket punch, and repeat. If i'm not mistaken this will take off about half life chip damage and after that last HSF you should have just developed one more super meter (from HP,rocket punching,&assisting builds it up) where you can do this one more time making it a total of 6 supers that your opponent has to block. well hope this helps cuz, i know you see me do this stuff all the time, well thats how its done k'then/golden nismor Posted by golden nismor on 01:12:2001 01:41 PM: hey BLACKSMARU, waz up man! i see you use the team of cable, doom, & storm. hell thats just like robs team. BTW rob is hella good at mvc2 and i think gives me one of the hardest rubs when playin, even though i still win i have to play a good 110%, i'm sure he plays just as hard! rob is a pretty cool guy just to let you know, he just plays real serious though. he BLACKSMARU i'm still kinda of confused one who you are, try an give me a better description or you real name so i can know who you are bro! well i'll be at pearl tommorrow (fri) about 4 p.m. hope i see you there, let me know who you are friend. I'm out -golden nismor Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:12:2001 01:55 PM: sup NISMOR...well im like the only black guy there most of the time, tall black guy with the glasses....thats me...i`ll prolly be at pearls too around then, although i think u mite be steve?...(tall asian guy who kicks everyones asses at MvC2?) hehe...well my names antawn, i work @ zippys over there too just to give ya some clues of who i am.... well once i step up my cable skills i`ll prolly take u on again, im trying not to rely on the AHVB too much cuz everyone expects it working on new combos using the time flip....and why am i telling u this?.....hehe....anyways catch ya at pearls...till next challenge.... Posted by golden nismor on 01:12:2001 02:00 PM: ahhh! blacksmaru i know who you are friend! cool to see you here hey i tell you what i can help you out some with your cable man, i play cable too and can do all those insane tatics (guard break, x3-5AHVB, traps). the only reason i don't play cable like everyone else is that i like playin up close and doing massive damage, besides ken does have some decent priorities in mvc2. k' then see ya bro! -golden nismor Posted by Nismor on 01:13:2001 01:06 AM: No!!!! I'm the real Nismor! Get the hell outta here, you golden piece of shit!!!!!! Posted by God_of_Poop on 01:13:2001 03:58 AM: LOLOLOLOL Cable ownz that team for free guess you and superdork havent seen a good Cable. only one who has a chance is doom. all others get ate by cyke and ahvb's. Doom does have the chance but thats it. LOL Ken on point? put him in the back. Ken gets fucked up on point with top tier. Nice team on scrubs i gotta adimt Posted by Kelomaniac on 01:13:2001 04:39 AM: Nismor and Golden Nismor? What's the point? LOL ... where have you been at? Nice to see you haven't giving up with your team! See you around maybe B5! Posted by Iceman on 01:13:2001 06:23 AM: Oh no. First Double War Machine, now Double Nismor, AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Posted by phillip on 01:13:2001 06:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman: Oh no. First Double War Machine, now Double Nismor, AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! ____________________________________________ iceman, cool faq you wrote in gamefaqs I think lots of beginners will appreciate that nismor, you're not being an ass? That's a change... Check out my faqs Posted by Kelomaniac on 01:13:2001 07:14 AM: Nismor is cool! He likes to fuck with ya! Posted by Iceman on 01:13:2001 10:34 AM: quote: iceman, cool faq you wrote in gamefaqs I think lots of beginners will appreciate that Thanks. Which version did you read? I've updated it once so far. Posted by phillip on 01:13:2001 08:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman: Thanks. Which version did you read? I've updated it once so far. ____________________________________________ I read the first one (v1.0). I read your updated one sometime today. I was going to tell you about a mistake you put on it but you might have already changed it in your updated listed the people that have double jumps, triple jumps and triangle jumps and stuff in your faq, well for double jumping people, you put servbot as one of them. I said servbot can double jump?! i doubted it but went on my dc just to double check and NO, he can't. You might wanna change that in your next version okay But, if you already changed it in your second update, nevermind Check out my faqs Posted by Kelomaniac on 01:13:2001 10:26 PM: refresh didn't work Posted by phillip on 01:13:2001 10:30 PM: huh? Check out my faqs Posted by Kelomaniac on 01:13:2001 11:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by phillip: huh? The new post didnt show up I hit the refresh key and it didnt work so I hat to post to reload the page with the new post! Posted by golden nismor on 01:13:2001 11:16 PM: hey wad up guys! DARKUMAS so watcha think about that team ken,doom,sentinel since i came over to your house and showed you the traps and tight DHC's with that team. Well hopefully you can make it to pearl today (sat) and we both can do some ass whippins hey i didn't know there was a NISMOR here on this board, weird huh! I've been nismor for like the longest time!(ever since the all star team was developed) well i'm out BTW for all those fools that dog on me cuz ken's in the team and as point well just remember when your ass is in the air eating his hurricane kick, i don't mind give double servings! -golden nismor Posted by phillip on 01:13:2001 11:22 PM: what, you a hard ass now nismor? Check out my faqs Posted by golden nismor on 01:13:2001 11:30 PM: na man i just luv whooopon up dat ass at pearl. mvc2 is all about a little smack talkin ass beatings as long as you can back it up with your skills, you know what i mean! that just makes better competition you know. besides ever see a good ken do some major beat downs? -GN Posted by golden nismor on 01:13:2001 11:41 PM: i recall a few posts back that someone mentioned that sentinel "sucked" against cable.... ... i'm a little babble by such a comment, first of all who is playin sentinel and #2 do you realize that one mistake from cable against sentinel can lead cable to death instantly! all sentinel has to do is connect any of rocket punches(not the diagnol up one though) and go right into HSF and just repeat until supers are out. That there is usually death if not very close for cable."i like that DEATH FOR CABLE " well thats enough said. anyone ever see a ken/doom trap where there assist gets juggled to death and the opponent is blocking the whole time and can do absolutely nothing? well thats like a specialty of mine i luv doing against a clops and cable pair. -Golden Nismor B5? Posted by God_of_Poop on 01:14:2001 07:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: i recall a few posts back that someone mentioned that sentinel "sucked" against cable.... ... i'm a little babble by such a comment, first of all who is playin sentinel and #2 do you realize that one mistake from cable against sentinel can lead cable to death instantly! all sentinel has to do is connect any of rocket punches(not the diagnol up one though) and go right into HSF and just repeat until supers are out. That there is usually death if not very close for cable."i like that DEATH FOR CABLE " well thats enough said. anyone ever see a ken/doom trap where there assist gets juggled to death and the opponent is blocking the whole time and can do absolutely nothing? well thats like a specialty of mine i luv doing against a clops and cable pair. -Golden Nismor B5? LOLOLOL the only thing Sentinel has on Cable is flight cancelling and your probabley don't even know what that is. Did you know one mistake from Sentinel and Cable will die? if sentinel mess's up just a little bit he;ll get AHVB'd? Ken/Doom trap Can you say AAA with invicibilty frames? Posted by Kelomaniac on 01:15:2001 01:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by God_of_Poop: LOLOLOL the only thing Sentinel has on Cable is flight cancelling and your probabley don't even know what that is. Did you know one mistake from Sentinel and Cable will die? if sentinel mess's up just a little bit he;ll get AHVB'd? Ken/Doom trap Can you say AAA with invicibilty frames? Where was you yesterday? I was looking for you! Posted by Iceman on 01:15:2001 02:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: i recall a few posts back that someone mentioned that sentinel "sucked" against cable.... ... i'm a little babble by such a comment, first of all who is playin sentinel and #2 do you realize that one mistake from cable against sentinel can lead cable to death instantly! all sentinel has to do is connect any of rocket punches(not the diagnol up one though) and go right into HSF and just repeat until supers are out. That there is usually death if not very close for cable."i like that DEATH FOR CABLE " well thats enough said. anyone ever see a ken/doom trap where there assist gets juggled to death and the opponent is blocking the whole time and can do absolutely nothing? well thats like a specialty of mine i luv doing against a clops and cable pair. -Golden Nismor B5? Sentinel dies to Cable, enough said. Sentinel won't kill Cable instantly IIRC. If you hit a rocketpunch to HSFx5 combo it won't quite kill characters with Cable stamina IIRC. It will come close, doing about 80%. I don't think 3xAHVB alone will kill Sentinel, but a combo or a 4th AHVB should do the trick. Also, you want to throw rocket punches against Cable? Cable blocks a rocket punch, then burns Sentinel with AHVBs! Posted by Iceman on 01:15:2001 02:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: well i'm sure most of you already know about traps in mvc2, here are some of the ones i use with my team: TRAP 1: Ken(as point) & Doom(aaa) this trap is quite simple and goes like this, with ken you get real close to your opponent,call out doom's aaa and do a regular straight up jumping hurricane kick(HK). you'll soon notice your opponent get pushed back and you just follow and repeat until you end up in the corner. This trap does massive damage from chipping and even worse the regular hits and this trap does juggle characters including assists. Now you might ask what about opponents aaa's well depending on exactly what they are will determine how you execute this trap, if the aaa is good like clops just call out doom not so close to your opponent and block with your point man and you'll see clops get hit by dooms rocks and then you can proceed into the rest of the trap and you may juggle the assist to death if done correctly. " pretty crazy trap !" Not a horrible trap. It will work once in a fight. After that, it won't be hard to counter. Call AAA as Ken gets close, and pushblock Ken if needed. How's Ken going to get close? It would work a time or two, but not too hard to counter. quote: Trap 2: Sentinel(point man) & Ken(aaa): it goes like this go into flight mode with sentinel (his flight lasts hella long )fly right over if not a little in front of your oppents head (try to fly high) and just call out kens aaa and with sentinel HK. this is an excellent trap especially once in the corner. This trap chips with both characters and since kens aaa is pure invincibility on the way up he'll knock out all other assist or they'll both nuetralize and recieve no damage(like cammy's aaa). with this trap your opponent will have a very difficult time trying to jump up and even walk forward and push blocking away cuz you can only push block one characer. Just watch out for your opponents aaa's, since sentinel has the fastest flight mode, once you see the icon assist from your opponent just fly back'n forth with sentinel and he'll doge'm. This is a pretty common trap. Just insert the assist of your choice. It's common, but it's not too bad. I use variations of this myself Posted by Iceman on 01:15:2001 02:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: well i'm back and here's some more basic traps: TRAP3:doom(as point)& sentinel(gamma)-all you really got to do is do doom's jumping fierce(up/down up/down & can jump back'n forth to make it harder to escape) and call out sentinels rockets. If you time this right it is really hard to super jump out of and by the time your opponent does manage to jump away he probably already ate of few of doom's fierces and rockets. If your opponent does manage to jump out of this and towards you, let them get a little close and then BANG call out kens aaa to knock them the hell back, but if your opponent knows ken is gonna come out, he'll block, at that time just walk up and GRAB!!! This trap is excellent for building up a super meter. The only other point i can make here is that just watch out against cable as a point character, you can still do this but you gotta play mind games with cable to throw him off. AHVB don't taste good Another common (but good) trap. IMO Blackheart works better then Ken in this case. quote: TRAP 4:Sentinel(point) & Doom(aaa): this trap here you can do similar to the sentinel and ken trap or you can do it this way. Note both ways chip excellent (even against iceman!) The other way goes like this sentinel on the far end of the screen hit HP(pink beam can be high or low) then call out doom's aaa, quickly then call out sentinel's rockets and control their flight up or down to pin your opponent on the other side of the screen. Just repeat. And at any time you can HSF with sentinel and call doom out inbetween which also does excellent chip damage especially when finishing off a little life. Just to let you know if sentinel has all of his supers (x5) you can HSF, HP with senitinel, call out doom's aaa, rocket punch, and repeat. If i'm not mistaken this will take off about half life chip damage and after that last HSF you should have just developed one more super meter (from HP,rocket punching,&assisting builds it up) where you can do this one more time making it a total of 6 supers that your opponent has to block. Yup, a more common variation then Sentinel/Ken. Good AAA can stop Doom. Just don't have Sentinel right on to of Doom. Overall, your team has big weaknesses (Cable/Storm/AAA for one), and you need to change the order. Still, it's not a terrible team and you definatly collect some wins with it. Damn, I'm sorry for all the long quotes. I had no idea these 3 messages would be this long. [This message has been edited by Iceman (edited 01-14-2001).] Posted by golden nismor on 01:15:2001 06:15 AM: HEY ICEMAN Z'UP! i like how you broke down and analyzed my traps thats what i too do when i read about other traps too. Well at least i know you have decent knowledge about mvc2. and mostly everything you said is true bro! like i said most if not all traps can be countered. So when i posted up some of my tricks you just got to know how and when to do them. BTW lets say a team of storm, cable, clops i played against. well if i wanted to execute my ken and doom trap knowing that cable has an aaa, i would wait first to see his assist come out, #2 cross cable over ,#3 execute my trap hoping i can juggle his assist to death. sounds easy but takes time to learn and get down. Hell man you just don't throw crazy shit when playin, gotta do it with "finess!" well se ya later bro! -golden nismor Posted by golden nismor on 01:15:2001 12:10 PM: DARKUMAS & BLACKSMARU z'up suckas so how'd you like playin against my pure rush down team today? i know you guys liked my mag/storm dhc which equates to 100% life! anyways blacksmaru i hope this message board can help you and other hawaii players take my ken on and my all star team. FOR ANYONE OUT THERE-please give these guys some tips on beating me with my teams! courtesy of GOLDEN NISMOR Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:15:2001 01:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: DARKUMAS & BLACKSMARU z'up suckas so how'd you like playin against my pure rush down team today? i know you guys liked my mag/storm dhc which equates to 100% life! anyways blacksmaru i hope this message board can help you and other hawaii players take my ken on and my all star team. FOR ANYONE OUT THERE-please give these guys some tips on beating me with my teams! courtesy of GOLDEN NISMOR oh no u didnt~! just wait till i work on my game, i`ll get you back one day...dang did u have to post it on the board tho?`s alrite tho, when i beat ya imma do the same thing Posted by golden nismor on 01:15:2001 01:38 PM: hey BLACKSMARU i gotta admit, your team has gotten way better since the last few games we played bro! I think once you get down those guard breaks/AHVB's you'll be kick'n some major ass!!! I just hope i ain't apart of that though "Damn i hate your capt. commando's aaa" see ya friend got to go browse around here and do some more posting -golden nismor Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:15:2001 01:57 PM: hey NISMOR when are you planning to go to DARKUMAS`s house again? Posted by golden nismor on 01:15:2001 02:03 PM: hey blacksmaru, maybe we could go to his house this coming fri evening and even sat, then we can practice and see what works, mechanics, traps and so on bro! just next time give me your number and we can get together or something and hang out cuz BTW i'll definitely be at FF fri about 4ish -golden nismor 'til we meet again' Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:15:2001 03:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: hey blacksmaru, maybe we could go to his house this coming fri evening and even sat, then we can practice and see what works, mechanics, traps and so on bro! just next time give me your number and we can get together or something and hang out cuz BTW i'll definitely be at FF fri about 4ish -golden nismor 'til we meet again' yea sounds like a plan...i already switched #`s with darkumas, but im kinda busy this friday know quality time with the gf...but yea we can do that sometime.... Posted by Fro on 01:15:2001 09:18 PM: I live in Kentucky ( the country ) and it seems that there are no skilled players around at all. Half the players here have no idea about trapping or any other know how that an advanced or an intermediate player might know. I DO like the idea of your team though. It's kinda rere where I come from to see anyone play with those guys. Over here in Kentucky it's all about Wolverine ( both versions ) and Strider. Although I don't see anything wrong with the guys it does get a little old. Also, is it possible to play ( and win ) with every character in the game? Because with how I see it now, everybody is saying that if your team doesn't have Cable in it then you might as well not play. What do you think? Posted by WYLDFYRE on 01:15:2001 09:38 PM: i say you use akuma instead of ken. he has better supers and his regular hurricane kick is better than kens which goes up. My name is Flare and this is my crew. We kick ass and you know we do. Posted by golden nismor on 01:16:2001 08:56 PM: MAN! are you sure about akuma being better than ken? akumas hurricane kick that goes up (super) straight up sucks unless you can hyper cancel into it. akumas dragon punch isn't invincible like kens, kens shit goes through ANYTHING! i do play akuma but ken is way better with my team i see peeps here still have a lot to learn golden nismor Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:16:2001 11:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: MAN! akumas dragon punch isn't invincible like kens, kens shit goes through ANYTHING! i do play akuma but ken is way better with my team golden nismor i know right....damn that ken~! Posted by Kelomaniac on 01:17:2001 12:14 AM: One person for your team! Storm! Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:17:2001 12:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by Kelomaniac: One person for your team! Storm! dammit his storms getting better then mine and he just started playing her~! hehe...but it`s all good tho...i was beatin him monday Posted by Kelomaniac on 01:17:2001 01:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by Blacksmaru: dammit his storms getting better then mine and he just started playing her~! hehe...but it`s all good tho...i was beatin him monday Ok! Posted by golden nismor on 01:17:2001 03:37 AM: Yup! for the record i do get those rough rubs when i use ken against a good storm. She is pretty daman-fast, has a good arsenal of moves, and range at that. Thats where the test comes down to reality. Ken vs. Storm? well ultimately it'll depend on the players. But i luv bust'n counter moves against storm and making her pay dearly. "hurricane kicks rule" -golden nismor strikes again! Posted by golden nismor on 01:17:2001 08:05 PM: think this team is B5 material? we'll see then, hopefully i can make it there and give duc a little surprise! aka-all star team represent hawaii baby! -GN Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:17:2001 11:03 PM: hell yeah thats b5 material...specially the way YOU play those mofoz...hey maybe we should both go up there and represent thinkin about it if i come up with more strategy and become more versatile with the top tier characters... Posted by Kelomaniac on 01:18:2001 12:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: Yup! for the record i do get those rough rubs when i use ken against a good storm. She is pretty daman-fast, has a good arsenal of moves, and range at that. Thats where the test comes down to reality. Ken vs. Storm? well ultimately it'll depend on the players. But i luv bust'n counter moves against storm and making her pay dearly. "hurricane kicks rule" -golden nismor strikes again! Storm against Ken? Storm would eat Ken alive! AH AH AH AH AH 4 LIFE!!!!! Posted by Kelomaniac on 01:18:2001 12:01 AM: Is there any competition beside you too and all the tourist that come around? Posted by golden nismor on 01:18:2001 03:29 AM: HEY Kelo (short)! zup kid there is a great comp in hawaii here are a few of their names: rob(probs the best comp i have), pureelite, darkumas, specialK, ryan, and of course me! all these guys are good and have lost to them here and there, but my wins against them can easily go into the high teens and uppper double digits. "even the best looses a few here and there" Hopefully i'll be at B5 along with darkumas, and rob ( i spoke with him & he's a guarantee to be there) BTW storm is good and so is ken. next is how is the player??? ... think about that! well i hope B5 players are ready to see a sneaky ken do what he does best...RIP THAT ASS UP -golden nismor "play me and i'll promote beyond a scrub" Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:18:2001 04:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: HEY Kelo (short)! zup kid there is a great comp in hawaii here are a few of their names: rob(probs the best comp i have), pureelite, darkumas, specialK, ryan, and of course me! all these guys are good and have lost to them here and there, but my wins against them can easily go into the high teens and uppper double digits. "even the best looses a few here and there" -golden nismor "play me and i'll promote beyond a scrub" thats true about the player playing the character... even the best loses here and there huh?....well get ready to lose more here, there, and everywhere next time we play...hehe Posted by golden nismor on 01:19:2001 12:20 AM: hey blacksmaru hope your ready for my crazy speed mister team again? hell i'm gonna be everywhere when playin you this time bro! man is it fri yet? (shit still thurs. crap) -golden nismor "can just won?" Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:19:2001 12:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: hey blacksmaru hope your ready for my crazy speed mister team again? hell i'm gonna be everywhere when playin you this time bro! man is it fri yet? (shit still thurs. crap) -golden nismor "can just won?" all you want if u want a captain corridor up your butt~!! im ready for ya....i think... Posted by golden nismor on 01:19:2001 10:06 PM: Okay i've been hearing alot of feedback and now i'd like to know a few of the top tier teams i will be facing against in B5 what are those teams that can or will give me a fight for my life? one more time this is my team aka ALL STAR TEAM: ken(aaa), sentinel(gamma), doom(aaa) -golden nismor 'can it be?' Posted by God_of_Poop on 01:20:2001 05:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: Okay i've been hearing alot of feedback and now i'd like to know a few of the top tier teams i will be facing against in B5 what are those teams that can or will give me a fight for my life? one more time this is my team aka ALL STAR TEAM: ken(aaa), sentinel(gamma), doom(aaa) -golden nismor 'can it be?' Battery/Cable/AAA Cable/Storm/AAA Sent/../BH Megaman/Sent/BH Doom/../BH Mag/Storm/Psy and many more Posted by DorFei-McLong on 01:20:2001 07:48 AM: Hey those are ......the....worst damn things that I ever looked eyes guys suck ..and just to think you call your selfs Gamers. You not that bad I'm just that .....Damn... good Posted by golden nismor on 01:20:2001 02:25 PM: well i've been talkin to some of my friends and a group of us are gonna try to make it to B5 and i guess we'll all be known as : TEAM HAWAII, and I golden nismor will lead this posse in B5. my friends and i can most definitely hang with you mainland-ers. BTW aka all star team will be in full effect! -golden nismor oh yeah thanks for those teams possibly in B5 dood! Posted by golden nismor on 01:23:2001 01:29 AM: i had a question in B4 how many players entered the mvc2 competition? was it a double eliminations or what? and how does the finals go's? best out of 5? just wondering... golden nismor Posted by golden nismor on 01:29:2001 12:24 PM: LETS MAKE A BET HERE. we can just keep this bet to here. it goes like this, TELL ME HOW FAR DO YOU THINK I WILL MAKE IT IN THE B5 TOURNEY IN MVC2? will i make the semis-finals, get eliminated quickly, or best yet make all the way up? YOU TELL ME & THEN WE SHALL SEE SHORTLY TO TRUTH! go ahead, don't be afraid, you've got nothing to loose! -golden nismor Posted by ID on 01:29:2001 01:01 PM: i'd say between being eliminated quickly and semi-finals. before the semi finals, for sure. Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:29:2001 01:04 PM: hell, depending on the way they choose the order (drawing names etc...) i think you could go all the way , i might get flamed for saying that but hey it`s true...if by any chance you face duc do before the finals i dunno...he`s a bad mofo, you know he won matches in the recent tourney with ryu/ken/akuma? either cali player are some real scrubs or duc got some madd skillz... Posted by golden nismor on 01:29:2001 07:55 PM: sups kid! (blacks) yeah man duc do is one bad mofo! give him props and respects, but if i gotta play him, let it be then! we'll see blacks -gn Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:29:2001 11:54 PM: hey im just being realistic, but whoever wins will have definitely earned it cuz i know you both will put up a damn good fight... Posted by golden nismor on 01:30:2001 09:18 AM: I'd love to challenge duc or valle in the semifinals and even eliminate them,wonder how the crowd would react seeing their "mvc2 gods lose to scrub like me! hell i'm only golden nismor, the infamous shit talker with his bullshit tier ken! right?" just a thought bro hey blacks thanks for those codes homeboy! I tell you what if you really want to get better at mvc2 next time we cross paths, i'll give you some excellent advice on your team and tatics! hell i guarantee you'll see good results (choke wins!) or else i SUCK! -gn Posted by Jin_Saotome on 01:30:2001 10:43 AM: eliminate quickly. oh ya.. one thing about what u called ken/doom trap: cyke aaa will eat em easily and u know what next.... AHVB Jessica: "I love you, Cody." Cody: "I love you too, Guy. Whoops.." Jessica: "What??? Eat this! <smack>" Posted by golden nismor on 01:30:2001 10:50 AM: Jin Saotome- theres a time and place for everyting, know my time then you'll know my place. one second you have an aaa, then the next you ain't got one, then what happens: feel the breeze of aka KEN. play with finese and then you can optimize harmony in mvc2. Play with brutality and you shall die quickly. -golden nismor 'speaks such knowledge' Posted by Jin_Saotome on 01:30:2001 11:01 AM: aite.. whatever.. talking shit isnt gonna solve the problem im pretty sure im gonna go to B5 also, hope i can meet u in the 1st round. not that im sure im gonna beat u, i just wanna see how good the best hawaii player is. and jes to let u know, if u beat me it wont prove anything coz there're many ppl in my area (washington) r better than me in mvc2 (but im still the best in cvs ) Jessica: "I love you, Cody." Cody: "I love you too, Guy. Whoops.." Jessica: "What??? Eat this! <smack>" Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:30:2001 11:32 AM: sup nismor... so either one of the codes worked?....hope so... hey dood next time we meet up you can show me some strats, cuz for some reason i been playin hella shitty, even paxtez beat me ....just the other day i had good streaks goin and now this week i can`t do shit...imma practice more with mags,cammy and doom to work on my game more...any help and strats would be appreciated Posted by golden nismor on 01:31:2001 12:22 AM: hey blacks! i'll gladly help you out man. infact i'll give you some tokens and just do a few thing i tell you to with your team of cable, storm, and capcom. I promise you'll be smoking suckers all day long, well as long as you don't play me or rob. shooots then bro's seeyas btw those codes don't work, need some more friend -gn Posted by Blacksmaru on 01:31:2001 12:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: hey blacks! i'll gladly help you out man. infact i'll give you some tokens and just do a few thing i tell you to with your team of cable, storm, and capcom. I promise you'll be smoking suckers all day long, well as long as you don't play me or rob. shooots then bro's seeyas btw those codes don't work, need some more friend -gn aite dood... Posted by golden nismor on 02:01:2001 10:07 PM: sups peeps! I notice how lately alot of folks been using sentinel (all over). Heck, i luv using him. Senitnel is like 2-3 characters in one. I mean look at his vitality (a hard ass to kill), his strength (rocket punch=tko ),And god damn his dash is hella fast. But then again since he's so freakin big how could you not miss combos on him! just thought to share some opinions there -gn Posted by Blacksmaru on 02:01:2001 10:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: sups peeps! I notice how lately alot of folks been using sentinel (all over). Heck, i luv using him. Senitnel is like 2-3 characters in one. I mean look at his vitality (a hard ass to kill), his strength (rocket punch=tko ),And god damn his dash is hella fast. But then again since he's so freakin big how could you not miss combos on him! just thought to share some opinions there -gn true that...hell i might have to start using sentinel now since everyones trying to use him and cable.... Posted by golden nismor on 02:01:2001 11:24 PM: go for it blacks! so at least that way if you decide you don't like him as a character at least you'll have an idea on his weaknesses and abilities! 'use your enemy to know em' -gn Posted by Blacksmaru on 02:01:2001 11:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: go for it blacks! so at least that way if you decide you don't like him as a character at least you'll have an idea on his weaknesses and abilities! 'use your enemy to know em' -gn true dat... Posted by golden nismor on 02:05:2001 12:44 PM: well, hmmm i've just gotta say this team has freakin FACED, I THINK JUST ABOUT ALL POSSIBLE TEAMS in mvc2! i guess this all star team does have something decent going for them, who knows someone out there: what team would give this all star team a BITCH SLAP BEAT DOWN? don't be shy, let me know -gn Posted by State of Nature on 02:05:2001 08:17 PM: Thought Nismor and Blacksmaru were getting lonely, seeing as how the last 2.5 pages of this post are just them talking to each other, so I thought I'd break up the monotony. Hey guys, ICQ and AOL Instant Messenger are programs that allow you to talk to each other in realtime, so you can do what you do on these boards quicker, and without sucking SRK bandwidth. Posted by golden nismor on 02:05:2001 08:35 PM: Zups State of Nature! read your post, we talk here alot cuz we (blacks & I) hardly cross paths and meet. but should think about those chat programs hey SON, i had a question: is the bandwidth affected by the length of the post or is it affected by the number of posts? -gn ,thanks Posted by Blacksmaru on 02:05:2001 09:03 PM: sup nismor... i think bandwidth is used more when there are more people on the same website at 1 time, but im not sure...i remember the moderator saying something about how was you and sauce`s battle yesterday? 2 looked like you were going at and who were just messing around with different teams,...anyways , catch ya friday....don`t forget the MvC2 Posted by golden nismor on 02:05:2001 09:09 PM: hey hey WAD up blacks! yeah man me & rob was going at it for like 6hrs straight just about til 10pm last night. Phew those were some insane matches. no worries bro i'll bring the "package" fri, just be sure you'll be there, i should be at pearls fri around 5pm or so and stay there til about 11-12pm. I know i'm a crazy mother when it comes to playin mvc2, just gotta love that game. keep practicing cuz -gn Posted by Who on 02:06:2001 02:04 AM: Hey Blacksmaru.... I'll give you some Cammy strats!!! After all I do use her pretty well. Hey, I expect you to get better and not lose to the other scrubs (jason, skylar, etc.) around Pearlridge. After all you gots the game at home now so you should be coming up on us!!! -Who Posted by golden nismor on 02:06:2001 03:04 AM: cammy, i'd say she could possibly be KEN's baby sister since they can both jack that shit up when it comes down to getting rushed "i just thought of that" -gn Posted by golden nismor on 02:06:2001 03:16 AM: hey hawaii folks i got a new phrase with my ken: use to be "ken on crack!" i liked that but now i think its gonna be "KAMIKAZE KEN! " hehe! -gn Posted by Pungza on 02:06:2001 04:51 AM: Well if you can got to Eastcoast and show your skill I never saw a ken player in the tournament but what can I say but GO KEN LOL !!!!!!! Posted by Blacksmaru on 02:06:2001 11:24 AM: yo wassups nismor and who~! hey who i could use some good cammy strats cuz i know you can beat people down with her even if you have 1 pixel of life left thanks nismor....i should be at pearls around 5-530 or so ,no worries i`ll be there to get in on the good comp...or just watch you and rob go at it again.... Posted by PuReELiTE on 02:06:2001 01:45 PM: Yo wassup Nismor, Blacks, Who. So you guys post here now huh? hehe i'll post some stuff to. Just lemme know if you need anything! Catch ya later at FF. Posted by Blacksmaru on 02:06:2001 10:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by PuReELiTE: Yo wassup Nismor, Blacks, Who. So you guys post here now huh? hehe i'll post some stuff to. Just lemme know if you need anything! Catch ya later at FF. hey wassup pureElite.... who are you?...maybe i knew who you were but it just slipped my mind....refresh my memnory...catch ya at funz Posted by Galactica Phantom on 02:07:2001 11:15 PM: That ken, Doom, Sent' team sucks bad unless you start sent as point, with doom second asyour primary trapping assist and leave ken alone for emergencies. So when Sent dies, theoretically, doom should have at least one level maybe 2, and trap. Still, Sent, Doom is an easy thing to beat. If i have a cyc' AAA I can go right through that and maybe get both of you with a AHVB. Magneto, Storm, Cyc'/psylocke, can rip that team apart so fast. All Ihave to do is when ever I see or expect doom to come out, I'll just jump away with Mag' and charge the levels for my tempest&hail storm combo. Then I run the fuck away. That team reeks HERE COMES CHALLENGER! Posted by first page on 03:20:2001 04:23 AM: Please return this to the first page. Posted by CykoClops on 03:20:2001 01:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: Zups State of Nature! read your post, we talk here alot cuz we (blacks & I) hardly cross paths and meet. but should think about those chat programs hey SON, i had a question: is the bandwidth affected by the length of the post or is it affected by the number of posts? -gn ,thanks bandwidth is affected by the scrubbishness of the poster, in your case shitmor it takes 24 hours to post P.S. don't think of a comeback cause u just embarass urself more newbie Posted by CykoClops on 03:20:2001 01:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: Zups State of Nature! read your post, we talk here alot cuz we (blacks & I) hardly cross paths and meet. but should think about those chat programs hey SON, i had a question: is the bandwidth affected by the length of the post or is it affected by the number of posts? -gn ,thanks bandwidth is affected by the scrubbishness of the poster, so in your case shitmor it would take 24 hours to post. P.S. don't bother trying to make a comeback cause you'll just embarass urself more newbie Posted by mirage on 03:20:2001 02:21 PM: this is ridiculous....4 pages....mainly of conversation between 3 hawaiin scrubs who apparently see each other everyday anyway and have nothing to contribute except shit like "once you learn ahvb you will be good, bro" and "my ken will beat duc at b5!!!"...can we ban that island, already, plz?...yo hawaiins...ever heard of the fucking telephone? morons.... Posted by golden nismor on 03:21:2001 02:41 AM: Yo MIRAGE!, your one dumb mother fucker just like your MOM!!! why the fuck do you bring this post back up here for? hey this is for you and your mom: "your mom can suck my dick and you can watch!" -golden nismor "fuck'n retards always make me have a great day " Posted by Drunkengameplayer on 03:21:2001 03:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by mirage: this is ridiculous....4 pages....mainly of conversation between 3 hawaiin scrubs who apparently see each other everyday anyway and have nothing to contribute except shit like "once you learn ahvb you will be good, bro" and "my ken will beat duc at b5!!!"...can we ban that island, already, plz?...yo hawaiins...ever heard of the fucking telephone? morons.... Just why in the hell did you resurect this thread Must have been bored Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will...... Posted by Blacksmaru on 03:21:2001 04:51 AM: damn this thread back again?.... Posted by NauTiK on 03:21:2001 04:51 AM: it might be a little too late but i think that the team would be better if you switch sentinel or doom with blackheart. this gives you better trapping ability. Posted by Naslectronical on 03:21:2001 05:01 AM: Honestly, I thought we layed the smack down on this nonsense over at the Gamefaqs board 3 months ago. Golden Nismor, your team blows rocks. It has so many bad match-ups. Storm Magneto Cable(yes, Cable) Spiral Iron Man Psylocke(as an assist) Cyclops etc... etc..... etc...... And these are the characters you'll see a hell of a lot of at B5. First off, if you start Ken, Doom and Sentinel aren't going to have any supers to work with 'cause Ken can't build meter worth shit. He can't chip either. Mag/Storm/Psy eats your team alive for free. Psylocke's AAA takes out Doom and Sentinel's assists. Meanwhile, Ken will be desperately searching for a way to dislodge Magneto from his ass as Magneto is a much better rushdown character than Ken is, and can do ten times the damage. Storm can run from your team all day and chip with hailstorms and there ain't jackshit you can do about it. Spiral's wall of swords trap owns your team. There isn't anything Ken can do about it, and especially not Sentinel. Even if you do manage to get close to Spiral, she can teleport away and you're back to square one. Doom's the only one who can break it. There's no way Ken can get close to Cable with a good anti-air assist. The only person on your team that has a chance against Cable is Doom. Cable can AHVB your assists and there isn't a mothafucking Ken can do about it. Ken and Sentinel both loose for free to Cable. Especially Ken. Ken is just an overall bad character. His only usefulness is breaking the Strider/Doom trap. He dies to the rest of the top-tier. If you take out Ken for someone like Storm or Strider then you might be alright. Posted by darkumas on 03:21:2001 05:04 AM: Some ppl just go looking for trouble. i smell a padlock with no key Darkumas Posted by *Magneto* on 03:21:2001 06:29 AM: Whats so great bout SEN. Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! Posted by CykoClops on 03:21:2001 11:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: Yo MIRAGE!, your one dumb mother fucker just like your MOM!!! why the fuck do you bring this post back up here for? hey this is for you and your mom: "your mom can suck my dick and you can watch!" -golden nismor "fuck'n retards always make me have a great day " another lame joke by the shitmor. ham,cheese and pineapple on dough? no thanks Posted by PuReELiTE on 03:21:2001 04:16 PM: Its HawaiiAn, HawaiiAn. One more time: HawaiiAn. Also, GN's team is awesome! I believe it can take down a GOOD spiral. And it owns sentinel. Hard to win with sentinel when you can't move! --"Rockets align" Posted by PsionicTempest on 03:22:2001 01:39 AM: since this is back up... GN, that team will get eaten alive by my Mag/Psy/Storm or Strider/Doom/Mag. They cant compare to the Strider/Doom and slip onece, and a combo w/ tempest as ac finisher will shred Ken. I still give you props as you have to be pretty dam good to win w/ that, especially against Cable/Cyke/X, especially cause of Cyke AAA. Anyway late | PT Posted by psx2000 on 03:22:2001 09:25 AM: Um can someone close this please this is going to get into a pointless argument again and no offense i think who ever opened this got a problem just should have left this alone. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:49 PM. Show all 111 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.